
(2004) Site-specific performance, duration 1 hour at lunchtime over 4 days

Flush (2002), 'Unbemerkt in Genf', Centre D'Art en Ile, Geneva CH 

Two performers engage in a ritualistic activity, which suggests an un-obtainable goal: they endeavour to scoop water from one side of the bridge and pour it into the other whilst working in opposition to each other. The activity stands in a marked contrast to the sense of purpose and usefulness of the daily journeys of the passer-by.


(2005) WILLIAM MORRIS GALLERY, Lloyd Park, Walthamstow London UK. Performers Jen Saunders, Claudia Kappenberg

(2002) CENTRE D’ART EN ÎLE, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002.

Performers Elgin Clausen, Claudia Kappenberg

See also video installation (London 2004)


Flush (2005), Wlliam Morris Gallery - Lloyd Park, Walthamstow London UK